“Whoa…” Entering Into Your Sitting Practice

by Lynn Dragone

Today I find myself. Ah, Here I am!….as I break through the momentum of my day. I find myself as I am looking out the window toward Elephant mountain. I see the wind moving the branches of the tree outside. I hear a crow call out, then a siren in the distance, then the dogs of the neighbourhood begin to howl in chorus. Ahhh, I feel the gears shifting into low, slowing down, catching my breath.

The intention is to ‘sit’ yet there is a need to ‘enter into’ the practice in preliminary stages.

Just being here, now for a few minutes to take in the moment savouring “as it is” allows me to connect to the intention of why I ‘sit’. The ordinary moment invites me into a recognition of now-ness and I feel ready to fill that empty glass bowl with fresh clear water on my meditation table, to initiate a more formal time of meditating.